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Weekend retreat

Glass staircase : do not be afraid , everything is thought out !
Modern design - it's always fun and fantastic. Do not believe me ? Then take a look closer to transparent glass and shiny metal . Did they tell you nothing to say . But when it is taken for specialists , these two materials offer us the most unprecedented embellishments . Take the same ladder.
Take a look at the photo. You can see that our company has established stainless railings and glass steps on solid Saddle . The project was designed "from scratch" and what came of it ? - Released a real modern design . And the cost is only to order , design, and agree on some points.
Glass stairs and stainless fittings (guards ) . Agree, this "tandem" is fantastic images and thinking. Still - walking "on air" and the vision of everything that happens from the bottom, and can cause this! The main thing - do not be afraid to fall! Do not be afraid , because the glass on which you step , a very, very strong . It's called "Triplex" .
If you do nothing says , look at the thickness of the steps. As you can see laminated glass . And if you look better, you can see that the edge of the steps are not tapered . Yes, the manufacturer has provided everything. Even fencing not simple, but brilliant . This shine perfectly combines with glass , thus making all the design is not without modern . And you thought that glass and metal are not suitable for stairs ?


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