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Z-shaped lockers for fitting rooms from flakeboard

Z-shaped lockers from flakeboard is an excellent compromise between a great non-standard outlook and low price.

Model PDF-Z-А1 PDF-Z-А2
Scheme шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП
Height, mm 1800+100 (legs) 1800+100 (legs)
Width, mm 300/400 300/400
Depth, mm 590 590
Material Laminated flakeboard Laminated flakeboard
Color various various

1 module, 2 sections, purline - 2,
hangers - 4, door material laminate flakeboard or MDF, lock EuroLock - 2

1 module, 2 sections, purline - 2,
hangers - 4, door material laminate flakeboard or MDF, lock EuroLock - 2

Model PDF-Z-А3 PDF-Z-А4
Scheme шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП
шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП шкафы для раздевалок из ДСП
Height, mm 1800+100 (legs) 1800+100 (legs)
Width, mm 300/400 300/400
Depth, mm 590 590
Material Laminated flakeboard Laminated flakeboard
Color various various

1 module, 2 sections, shelf - 2, purline - 2,
hangers - 4, door material laminate flakeboard or MDF, lock EuroLock - 2

1 module, 2 sections, shelf - 2, purline - 2,
hangers - 4, door material laminate flakeboard or MDF, lock EuroLock - 2

The standard color of the cabinet frame - gray, it can be changed by prior arrangement with the manager. Cabinet doors can be either the same color or different colors. 
Lockers for changing rooms equipped with a regulating chrome legs.

If the order is over 70 standard lockers, the price of the lockers PFD-Z-A1 starts from 7000 rub/1.

Please, confirm the price of mirrors under 70, and the price of another lockers separately.

Call us! We are glad to consult!


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