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Metal lockers for fitting rooms, serie PFR

Painted metal, applied in manufacturing of lockers for fitting rooms, serie PFR, is a durable and stiff material. Except standard grey color, doors can be painted into blue or red color. Different number of cubicles in the module  (from 1 to 6), different sizes of modules allow to choose ideal configuration for any room and any number of workers. Each cubicle of module has perforation for the better ventilation of the internal space.  Each cubicle has all necessary things for comfort placing of things – shelfs, hangers, beams, their number variates depending on the model. Each cubicle is closed with a lock. On the whole, the advantages of these lockers are following:

  • efficiency
  • durability
  • functionality
  • wide range of usage
  • low price

Considering such peculiarities of these lockers, as opportunity to be operated under conditions of high and low temperature and moisture, and low price, they become indispensable in different rooms:

  • manufacturing units
  • transport companies
  • factories and plants
  • back offices in the shops
  • warehouse complexes

Lockers, serie PFR are delivered non-assembled for clients` convenience. Additionally you can order shelf for shoes, high-security lock, and also choose right or left variant of door opening.

Name PFR-11-300 (or 400)
PFR-12-300 (or 400)
Pictures pfr_11_close.jpg    pfr_12_close.jpg   
Modules / sections one module / one section one module / two sections
Height, mm 1850 1850
Width, mm 300 or 400 300 or 400
Depth, mm 500 500
Material painted metal painted metal
Color grey RAL 7035 grey RAL 7035
Color of the doors grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015, red RAL 3020 grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015, red RAL 3020
Construction in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation
Complect 1 lock, 1 shelf, 1 purline, 2 hangers 2 locks, 2 purlines, 4 hangers
Additional possibilities It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door
Weight, kg 20 or 23 22 или 25


Name PFR-22-500 (or 600 or 800 or 1000)
PFR-22-P-500 (or 600 or 800 or 1000)
Pictures pfr_22_close.jpg   pfr_22_close.jpg  
Modules / sections Two modules / two sections Two modules / two sections
Height, mm 1850 1850
Width, mm 500 or 600 or 800 or 1000 500 or 600 or 800 or 1000
Depth, mm 500 500
Material painted metal painted metal
Color grey RAL 7035 grey RAL 7035
Color of the doors grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015, red RAL 3020 grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015, red RAL 3020
Construction in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation
Complect 2 locks, 2 shelfs, 2 purlines, 4 hangers 1 lock, 4 shelfs, 1 purine, 2 hangers
Additional possibilities It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening doorи It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door
Weight, kg 29 or 36 or 43 or 45 32 or 39 or 46 or 48


Name PFR-21-400
PFR-24-600 (or 800)
Pictures pfr_11_close.jpg   pfr_24_close.jpg  
Modules / sections One module / one section Two modules / four sections
Height, mm 1850 1850
Width, mm 400 600 or 800
Depth, mm 500 500
Material painted metal painted metal
Цвет grey RAL 7035 grey RAL 7035
Color of the doors grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015 grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015
Construction in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation
Complect 1 lock, 1 shelf, 2 purlines, 2 hangers 4 locks, 4 purlines, 8 hangers
Additional possibilities It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door
Weight, kg 27 39 or 43


Name PFR-33-900 (or 1200)
PFR-36-900 (or 1200)
Pictures pfr_33_open.jpg    pfr_36_open.jpg   
Modules / sections Three modules / three secton Three modules / six sections
Height, mm 1850 1850
Width, mm 900 or 1200 900 or 1200
Depth, mm 500 500
Material painted metal painted metal
Color grey RAL 7035 grey RAL 7035
Color of the doors grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015 grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015
Construction in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation
Complect 3 locks, 3 shelfs, 3 purlines, 6 hangers 6 locks, 6 purlines, 12 hangers
Additional possibilities It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door
Weight, kg 55 or 61 54 or 55


Name PFR-44-1000
Option: PFR-22 with inclined roof
Pictures pfr_44_open.jpg    pfr_22_naklon.jpg   
Modules / sections Four modules / four sections

Construction is similar to the locker PFR-22-500 (or 600 or 800 or 1000), except for inclined roof.


It is installed under stars and of the attics, to optimize the room.

Height, mm 1850
Width, mm 1000
Depth, mm 500
Material painted metal
Color grey RAL 7035
Color of the doors grey RAL 7035, blue RAL 5015
Construction in the assembled condition, with the perforation for ventilation
Complect 4 locks, 4 shelfs, 4 purlines, 8 hangers
Additional possibilities It is possible to make increased safety lock, additional shelf for boots, and also right/left variants of opening door
Weight, kg 64


All lockers are equipped with perforation on the top and in the bottom, for good ventilation of the locker.

 Peculiarities of using metal lockers, serie PFR.

These lockers can be used in conditions of high or low temperature or high humidity.

 Possible colors of metal lockers.

Standard color is grey (RAL 7035). It is also possible to deliver lockers with blue doors (RAL 5015) or red doorsй (RAL 3020).

color_pfr-12-300_01.jpg     color_pfr-12-300_02.jpg     color_pfr-12-300_03.jpg


Цена от 1950 руб. указана за один модуль металлических шкафчиков для раздевалок серии ПФР-11 в стандартной комплектации. 

Стоимость при поставке может изменяться в зависимости от количества модулей и выбранной цветовой гаммы. Уточняйте, пожалуйста, окончательную стоимость шкафов у наших менеджеров. Компания Проформ всегда готова предоставить нашим клиентам самые выгодные условия.

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