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Electronic air freshener Merida

To prevent bad smell in WC rooms of public places there is practical and convenient equipment - electronic air fresheners. It is possible to program them depending on your needs - working during day or night, not working during days off. To provide timely change of the freshener there is an indicator the number of days before changing of the freshener. 

There is a metal container for the air freshener to be convenient, safe and attractive. Possibility to lock container with key provides safe-keeping, matt metal surface gives the feeling of style and respect.

Name Photo Article Characteristics
Electronic air freshener "MERIDA-PULSE II" osvezhitel_vozduha_dlya_teh_harakteristik.jpg OE4

- self-inclusive, works with the help of 2 batteries R20;
- air freshener works constantly during a year with the use of alkaline batteries LR20;
- high effectiveness (freshing effect in the rooms up to 170 m3);
- possibility to program frequency of spraying (interval from 5 to 25 minutes);
- 3 regimes: day. night. 24-hour;
- indicator of the number of days before changing of the freshener. indicator of the battery state of change;
- possibility to turn on the signal about necessity to change the freshener or battery;
- used in ventilated room;
– 5-year guarantee from any damages.

Electronic air freshener  "MERIDA-SELECT+" osvezhitel_vozduha_dlya_teh_harakteristik1.jpg OE3

- self-inclusive, works with the help of 2 batteries R20;
- air freshener works constantly during a year with the use of alkaline batteries LR20;
- high effectiveness (freshing effect in the rooms up to 170 m3);
- possibility to program different parameters: durability of the freshener (30–60–90 days). work during 24 hours (12/24 hours). choice of the day (minimum 5 days a week);
- indicator of the number of days before changing of the freshener. indicator of the battery state of change;
- possibility to turn on the signal about necessity to change the freshener or battery;
- used in ventilated room;
- 10-year guarantee from any damages.

Metal container for electronic air freshener "MERIDA STELLA" (matt) osvezhitel_vozduha_dlya_teh_harakteristik2.jpg GSM003

- for electronic air fresheners OE3 and OE4
- locked with key
- equipped with strong flush-type drum gate made of steel - weld seams of the surface
- weld seams of side panels are polished
- blind hinges.

You can have a look at all the range of Merida equipment and accessories for WCs in e-catalogue.


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