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Lockers from HPL for fitting rooms for sports teams

Evidently, command sports suppose joint trainings. Besides, command sports suppose a lot of personal equipment of sportsmen. That`s why special lockers for fitting rooms made of HPL were invented for sports teams. These lockers have huge case, where almost any equipment and shoes will be placed. Hangers for outdoor clothes and a shelf for personal things of sportsmen create convenience in usage – for changing clothes into the training ones. Wide width of the module allows to change clothes with comfort even for a big person. Due to sanitariness and resistance to moisture of the lockers, it is possible to maintain cleanness using water of any temperature and any detergents. On the whole, advantages of such lockers for fitting rooms made of HPL for sports teams are evident:

  • convenience of usage
  • sanitariness
  • 100% resistance to moisture
  • extreme resistance to abrasion and reliability
  • durability
  • designer outlook

Of course, sport teams are training not in any fitness center and games are held on the stadiums. So, lockers for sports teams are applied in the corresponding complexes:

  • stadiums
  • training bases for sportsmen
  • sports complexes
  • Olympic objects

To make lockers individual, you can paint a picture, logo of the team or stylish symbol of this kind of sport.

Characteristics Description
Height, mm 2000
Width, mm 700
Depth, mm 530
Material HPL
Color various
Frame aluminum profile
Filling Spacious section for bags with equipment and boots, hangers for overclothes and shelfs for reasonable placement of players` personal things
Additional possibilities It is possible to place a picture to make lockers individual

We deliver lockers from HPL of the Russian production logo_for.jpg.

Цена от 29760 руб. указана за один шкафчик из HPL для раздевалки для спортивных команд в стандартной комплектации. 

Стоимость шкафчиков при поставке может изменяться в зависимости от количества и выбранной цветовой гаммы. Уточняйте, пожалуйста, окончательную стоимость шкафов у наших менеджеров. Компания Проформ всегда готова предоставить нашим клиентам самые выгодные условия.

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