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Vanity tops from artificial stone Staron

Excellent material, great finding for designers, acrylic stone Staron is an excellent material for tabletops in WC rooms or other moist and dry rooms.

Wide range of colors, imitating natural stone, capability of the material to get any shape in the process of thermolifting, and also possibility to combine different colors and materials without visible seams (seamless gluing connection) provide  freedom of imagination for designers.

Due to its unique mixture of natural components, artificial stone Staron has all qualities of polymer materials, remaining visibly similar to the natural stone.

Non-porous structure of this material provides a lot of positive qualities: such resistance to moisture, allowing to use it even for producing bathrooms; sanitariness, so bacteria and viruses cant`s live there and reproduce; environmental disposal, as the material doesn`t уduce anything or absorb, including radiation; durability, as it doesn`t ravel, grow yellow or rot. It is extremely easy to take care of the tabletops from artificial stone Staron: you should only polish its surface with soap and clean water. Aggressive substances and physical action also don`t influence surface.

Acrylic stone Staron is one of the most demanded high-class materials. This artificial stone is made of several natural components: aluminum trihydrate (white rot spue), acrylic resin (applied in medicine) and coloring edible pigment.

Tabletops from artificial stone Staron have wide range of positive qualities:

- any shape you like can be made in the process of thermoforming
- any combination of colors and materials gives opportunity to make seamless material and simple processing of artificial stone
- wide range of colors
- sanitariness provided by non-porous structure of material материала
- environmental disposal due to natural ingredients
- comfort in usage  (takes on the ambient temperature)
- resistance to moisture
- durability in usage without changing of external and internal qualities of the material
- simplicity in cleaning
- stiffness
- simplicity and high speed of fixing

all qualities of the material "acrylic stone" make tabletops from artificial stone Staron one of the best variants for equipping WC room.

Tabletops from artificial stone is a complex and non-standard project construction. Each building is unique, it has it`s size and peculiarities: columns, ledges, borders etc. So, tabletops must be made, considering all necessary sizes and peculiarities of the building. That`s why we can`t say particular price. We need calculations of the cubicles according to Your drawings and schemes. Then it is necessary to make measurements on the object and to check the calculations.

On the other side, to understand what budget should be allocated for purchasing and installing tabletops, each Client wants to know at least approximate price of the materials at once.

That’s why, we publish approximate price of purchasing tabletops, the Client can be oriented on.

If the order is over 50 standard tabletops, the price of tabletops from artificial stone starts from _______ rub/m2 not considering delivery and installation.

Please, confirm the price of tabletops under 50, and the price of non-standard tabletops separately.

Call us! We are glad to offer the most profitable conditions for You!

Goods of this category


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