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Urinal cubicles for sanitary conveniences

Urinal cubicles can be manufactured from flakeboard 16mm or 25mm thick or from monolith plastic (HPL). It is reasonable to choose material for urinal cubicles depending on the fact, how often toilet room will be used.

Given quiet publicity, it will be enough to use flakeboard 16mm thick, it this case cubicles made of this material will serve quiet long. Such urinal cubicles have rather reasonable price, they have attractive appearance, their color can be chosen depended on the color of toilet cubicles.

If the publicity of the rooms is suspected to be extremely high, you can`t do without urinal cubicles from monolith plastic (NPL). Only is has extreme erosion resistance, safety and durability. Besides, cubicles from monolith plastic can be easily washed with the water of any temperature and using any detergents, as the subject of cleanness and disinfection have particular significance in WC cubicles with high publicity.

In case if publicity is expected to be not extreme, but rather ordinary, cubicles from flakeboard 25mm thick will rather manage with the task. These cubicles have optimal price-quality balance, they can be delivered with 2 kinds of corners and of any color according to catalogue of the producer.

Any urinal cubicles you choose, all of them have following advantages:

  • Pre-fabricated construction
  • Simplicity of operation
  • Possibility to choose color

Scheme of urinal cubicles from flakeboard

Scheme of urinal cubicles from flakeboard

Scheme of urinal cubicles from monolith plastic (HPL)

Scheme of urinal cubicles from monolith plastic (HPL)

Sizes of urinal conveniences from flakeboard 16mm

Sizes of urinal conveniences from flakeboard 16mm


Sizes of urinal conveniences from flakeboard 25mm

Sizes of urinal conveniences from flakeboard 25mm


Sizes of urinal conveniences from monolith plastic (HPL)

Sizes of urinal conveniences from monolith plastic (HPL)

Urinal cubicles - is a complex and non-standard project construction. Each building is unique, it has it`s size and peculiarities: columns, ledges, borders etc. So, cubicles must be made, considering all necessary sizes and peculiarities of the building. That`s why we can`t say particular price. We need calculations of the cubicles according to Your drawings and schemes. Then it is necessary to make measurements on the object and to check the calculations.

On the other side, to understand what budget should be allocated for purchasing and installing WC cubicles, each Client wants to know at least approximate price of the materials at once.

That’s why, we publish approximate price of purchasing toilet cubicles, the Client can be oriented on.

If the order is over 50 standard cabins, the price of urinal cubicles for toilets starts from 1790 rub/m2, not considering delivery and installation.

Please, confirm the price of cabins under 50 cabins, and the price of non-standard cabins separately.

Call us! We are glad to offer the most profitable conditions for You!

Goods of this category

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