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+7 (495) 708-40-28
daily from 9:00 to 18:00
Лицензия СРО
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Our clients

Portal of suppliers

Now the company "Proform-SM" is officially accredited on the Portal of Suppliers http://market.zakupki.mos.ru/Supplier/Supplier?supplierId=5877486
We equip public rooms, making them comfortable and safe.

We provide help to our clients in working with the Portal of Suppliers and in ordering of our products:

To make order:

  • Call by telephones from the site, connect our manager, who will calculate price, prepare a bill or will help to make a deal through the Portal of Suppliers.
  • You can make an order by yourself right through the Portal of Suppliers.
  • Or leave your contact details for us to connect with you. 



TEL. +7 (495) 708-40-28 ДОБ. 112

         +7 (915) 046-34-70


Hoe you can find us on the Portal of Suppliers:

Our company LLC "Proform-SM"

OIB 7701710971
CRTR 772401001
OGRN 5077746332670
RNCBO 996 815 48
Legal address: 115569, Moscow, Shipilovskaya Street, bldg.17-3, room 207
Tel. 8 (495) 708-40-28

Account details:

checking account  407 028 100 380 600 518 93
JCS Moscow Bank of Sberbank of Russia
correspondent account  301 018 104 000 000 002 25 in Operations Department of Moscow
Central Territorial Administration of the Bank of Russia
BIK 044 525 225 

About us:

Company "Proform-SM"  is the supplier of project building materials, specializing on complex equipment of the rooms of different porposes. One of the spheres of our work is equipment of the objects with WC cubicles, tabletops from artificial stone and mirrors, and also adjustment and installation. This sphere also includes adjustment of fences from stainless steel.

Main goals of our company:

  • Correspondence to the highest expectations of the Customer and flexible approach to the set tasks
  • Steady growth of the level of service
  • Wide range of constructions, materials and equipment
  • Solution of irregular tasks while equipment of rooms

We offer:

  • Comfortable and fast system of decoration
  • Flexible price politics and discount system
  • Constant discounts
  • Adjustment and service

Our projects


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+7 (915) 046-34-70

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