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Fitting rooms for shops

Fitting rooms for shops is a pre-fabricated light construction made of flakeboard, covered with melamine, butts glued with PVC, 2mm thick. Improved profile from anodized aluminum provides increased stiffness, a door profile with a weather strip provides convenience and safety.  Possibility to make fitting rooms not only grey, beige and white, but also of another colors according to producer`s catalogue.  Our fitting rooms have a set of indisputable advantages:

  • pre-fabricated construction
  • simplicity in exploitation
  • improved profile construction
  • possibility to choose color
  • aesthetic appearance
  • optimal balance price-quality

The number of fitting rooms in the order can be from 1 to any necessary number, allowing to install them both in small outlets, and in big shops and shopping centers.

Fitting rooms are equipped with hangers for clothes and mirrors.

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Download installation instruction

To equip the room, there are a lot of building materials demanded, which are the part of comfort and safety:

  • WC cubicles,
  • fitting rooms made of wood or another materials,
  • tabletops,
  • decorative screens and others.

To order fitting room made of flakeboard for the building room is a very successful investment, that will be worthly appreciated after some time.

Shopping center or fitness-club - they definitely need place for changing clothes, well-equipped and convenient for visitors. In connection with this, fitting rooms from flakeboard became widely spread, fitting rooms made of plastic are better for the rooms with high humidity.

No problem for us to bring any variant of chosen materials to you, and to install it in shortest terms. You shouldn`t worry regarding appearance of the room and aesthetics: panels from flakeboard and plastic look decent, they are highly competitive with panels from wood. There is also no problem with installation  — professional skills give right to talk about perfection of work. Now, let`s speak about price. Just fill in price-list for the proposed products and decide, what type of materials you prefer. What would you rather like: fitting room made of wood, or made of flakeboard?

We will realize any your wish, we will deliver and install.

Fitting rooms for shops is a complex and non-standard project construction. Each building is unique, it has it`s size and peculiarities: columns, ledges, borders etc. So, fitting rooms must be made, considering all necessary sizes and peculiarities of the building. That`s why we can`t say particular price. We need calculations of the cubicles according to Your drawings and schemes. Then it is necessary to make measurements on the object and to check the calculations.

On the other side, to understand what budget should be allocated for purchasing and installing fitting rooms, each Client wants to know at least approximate price of the materials at once.

That’s why, we publish approximate price of purchasing fitting rooms, the Client can be oriented on.

If the order is over 50 standard fitting rooms, the price of fitting rooms starts from 2800 rub/m2 not considering delivery and installation.

Please, confirm the price of fitting rooms under 50, and the price of non-standard fitting rooms separately.

Call us! We are glad to offer the most profitable conditions for You!

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