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Liquid soap dispensers Merida

Liquidsoapandfoamdispenseraremodernandreasonabledecisionsforpublic WC rooms. Theseinstruments,madeofplasticormetalresistanttodamage,are durable and safefor constant usage. Attractiveappearanceofbothplasticandmetaldispensersallows tochoose most suitable accessories forthe interior of public WC.

Proform offers liquid soap dispensers Merida of different design and volume. Almostallofthemcanbelockedwithkey, excluding possibility ofunsanctionedwithdrawals of the tank. Windowsallowtocontrolamountofsoaporfoamandtimely renew it, without any discomfort for the visitors.

Name Photo Article            Characteristics
Liquid soap dispenser"MERIDA I"
(white drop) (800 ml)
dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_1_1.jpg D1W

- capacityoffillertank - 800 ml;
- locked withkey;
- pushing button - white;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- there are two windows to control amount of soap;
- it is possible to set elbow button.

Liquid soap dispenser"MERIDA TOP"
(grey drop) (800 ml)
dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_2.jpg DN1TS

- capacityoffillertank - 800 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- locked with key;
- there is a drop-like window to control amount of soap.

Liquid soap dispenser"MERIDA TOP"
(blue drop) (800 ml)
dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_3_1.jpg  DN1TN

- capacityoffillertank - 800 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- locked with key;
- there is a drop-like window to control amount of soap.

Liquid soap dispenser"MINI MERIDA TOP"
(grey drop) (400 ml)
dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_4_1.jpg  DN2TS

- capacityoffillertank - 400 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- locked with key;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- there is a drop-like window to control amount of soap;

Liquid soap dispenser"MINI MERIDA TOP"
(blue drop) (400 ml)
dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_5_1.jpg  DN2TN 

- capacityoffillertank - 400 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- locked with key;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- there is a drop-like window to control amount of soap; 

Liquid soap dispenser"POPULAR" (white) (500 ml) dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_6_1.jpg  D112 - capacityoffillertank - 500 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- not locked with key.
Liquid soap dispenser, metal "MERIDA STELLA" MINI (matt) dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_7_1.jpg DSM102

- capacityoffillertank - 400 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- equipped withstrong flush-typedrum gate made of steel;
- weld seamsof side panels are polished;
- blind hinges;
- a window to control amount of soap.

Liquid soap dispenser, metal "MERIDA STELLA" MAXI (matt) dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_8_1.jpg  DSM101

- объём 800 мл;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- equipped withstrong flush-typedrum gate made of steel;
- weld seamsof side panels are polished;
- blind hinges;
- a window to control amount of soap

Liquid soap dispenser, metal dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_9_1.jpg DSP102

- capacityoffillertank - 400 ml;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- сequipped withstrong flush-typedrum gate made of steel;
- weld seamsof side panels are polished;
- blind hinges;
- a window to control amount of soap

Liquid soap dispenser installed on the tabletop (1000ml) dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_10_1.jpg DWP101

- capacityoffillertank - 1000 mm;
- soap is filled from any tank;
- made of brass with chrome-nickel sputtering;
- screw connectionsmade of plastic, resistant to aggressiveenvironment;
- installed into tabletopnext to wash basin;
- maximum width of the tabletop - 55mm;
- diameter of the tabletop whole 20-23 mm;
- length of the spout = 125 mm;
- height above the tabletop = 700mm;
- maximum height of the whole construction = 410mm;
- diameter of the tank = 75 mm.

Dispenser of the soap-suds without pump "MERIDA TOP" (grey drop) dozator_myla_v_teh_harakteristiki_11_1.jpg  DF3TS

There is a new decision: soap is poured like thin foam;

- filled with the help of foam cartridge MERIDA BALI PLUS;
- very profitable–cartridge isaimed at 2000 portions of foam;
- made of plastic АВS resistant to damages;
- locked with key;
- there is a drop-like window to control amount of soap;

You can have a look at all the range of Merida equipment and accessories for WCs in e-catalogue.


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