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Metal lockers for fitting rooms and for safing personal things

Metal lockers for fitting rooms and for clothe storage 


Metal lockers for clothes and all metal furniture are classic variants of equipping manufacturing and other units. Fitting rooms made of steel were used before, but they looked in a different way – they were more cumbersome and not so mobile.

Nowadays lockers for fitting rooms made of metal (steel) are popular too. Their demand is provided by high stiffness and durability. Durability of such furniture is almost unlimited. Modern metal lockers for fitting rooms are easy to transport, install and move. New generation samples look so aesthetic! Metal locker for the fitting room (for clothes) is excellent in exploitation: resistant to damages, moisture, and it is easy to wash.

If you prefer furniture made of metal, call us. We will bring you metal lockers for clothes, for shops, schools, we will make a qualitative installation. Please, confirm prices for our products by phone or in our office.
Metal lockers for fitting rooms, for clothes storage in shops brings comfort, culture, sanitariness and safety. It is convenient and profitable to purchase metal lockers in Moscow, especially if you decide to purchase them in our company.

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Завершен проект школьной гардеробной заказанной через Портал Поставщиков.
12 туалетных перегородок из ЦДФ (CDF) 12 мм , белого цвета изготовлены для Общежития Курского государственного медицинского университета. Cтудентам созданы комфортные бытовые условия.
Поставлены 10 сантехнических кабинок из ЛДСП 16 мм в Пахомовскую школу СОШ Тульская область пос. Заокский.

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