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WC cubicles for toilets

WC Cubicles for toilets

In the context of modern construction and improvement of the interior light elements made of strong materials replace hard-wall structures. Cubicles for toilets must be reliable, easy to assembly and require minimal maintenance. Considering the application conditions, an important characteristic is the environmental resistance and resistance to moisture. The company "Proform-SM" offers to buy WC cubicles at affordable prices for children's bathroom, for shopping centers and other institutions.

We use high quality plastic, aluminum profile and reliable accessories in manufacturing of various structures. In addition, all our products conform to the required safety standards; it is durable and aesthetically attractive. It harmoniously fits into the interior of any room. Our product range is wide: internal and framed  cubicles for toilets , built-in sanitary lockers and other products for domestic arrangement. According to your conditions, you can order a ready option or select manufacturing of the cubicle for particular project. 

Cubicles for sanitary conveniences: prices and quality

The company "Proform-SM" deals with manufacture and installation of various structures. We offer only most favorable conditions to our clients: individual approach, installation within the shortest possible time and affordable prices for the toilet cubicles. The strict control is carried out at all stages of the manufacture and the high-tech equipment is used. That is the way to achieve high quality, reliability and durability of all products.

Call us and have a look at the prices of the cubicles for toilets and purchase conditions.

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