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Special fences


Company “Proform-SM” is manufacturing constructions made of stainless steel of any complexity, both by order, or according to typical projects. Personal equipment, which is used for technological process, provides large advantages: you can consider a wider range of tasks, optimize productivity and prices. In the process of fences manufacturing we use only high-quality resources. That`s why our products are resistant to temperature drop, stiff, reliable and attractive. Metal fences can be used as elements for balconies, stairs, railings, various cubicles for houses or offices. Prices for our products can variate, this issue can be confirmed directly by managers.

How can you choose ideal kind and size of metal fence? There are a lot of variants, how with the use of constructions from metal to equip any territory, create a building image. Comparing with stone or concrete, prices for the metal section are lower, reliability is on the same level.

It`s very difficult to do without metal construction in the sphere of building, life arrangement or in case of another situations. That`s why offer concerning their manufacture are highly appreciated and welcomed. Manufacture of metal stands, stairs, frameworks, — you can order all this in our company.

Fences: varieties

Recently metal constructions also gained popularity. They are less heavy and massive. Metal is more resistant to damages and rubbing. Their practical use is verified and confirmed by experience. Beautiful and elegant, stiff and functional, fences, made of metal and aluminum, will become a standby for your house. The only left is to choose a company which you can entrust the process of manufacture. We offer wide range of products: metal stands, decorative elements, etc. Prices are rather democratic. Quality of services is on the highest level!

Our projects

1st passage Perova Polya
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Завершен проект школьной гардеробной заказанной через Портал Поставщиков.
12 туалетных перегородок из ЦДФ (CDF) 12 мм , белого цвета изготовлены для Общежития Курского государственного медицинского университета. Cтудентам созданы комфортные бытовые условия.
Поставлены 10 сантехнических кабинок из ЛДСП 16 мм в Пахомовскую школу СОШ Тульская область пос. Заокский.

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